Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Days (Nights) to remember...'s been nearly 2.5 months since I started working the night shift...starting at 2300hrs till seemed exciting at first...a new experience...watching the empty ODC...barely any souls around. It's hard to imagine that this place is buzzing with activity the whole day. With maybe around 10000 ppl in the campus the office campus is active throughout the day.

The first couple of weeks were spent roaming around the campus at around 3 in the night and exploring all the buildings...lots of junk food in the nearly empty cafetaria...listening to music on high volume while working...and watching the rising sun at 6AM. The crimson and orange skies just before the sun rose was so if the guy up there had spilled the paint on a canvas and then very skillfully gathered it up into a big orange sphere!

Well, so much for the initial days of fun. It does begin to take a toll on a persons normal body cycle and affect one's pretty glad that this is goin to end soon. The only thing I would miss is probably the serene and calm environment. Don't like a crowd around much you see. :-)

In case, you are suffering from a similar case of sleepless nights then just forward this link to your boss. Am sure that's a big enough hint ;-)

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